Every year numerous books are published about investing. Most soon fade into obscurity, sometimes because of their focus on current investment conditions. (Like investors, authors often succumb to short-termism.)
However, occasionally an investment book stands out. "A Wealth of Common Sense" by Ben Carlson is such a book. (That's Ben Carlson, not Ben Carson.)
The book's central premise is that simplicity in one's investments - including the lower costs of intermediation, etc. associated with simplicity - have underappreciated benefits. Simplicity swims against the tide of much financial advice. And against the tide of financial services firm's advertisements. But the book's central premise, if implemented, and related suggestions give an investor good tools to build an investment portfolio that, odds are, will growth satisfactorily. Or even better.
The book covers a range of investment topics, goes into depth but not too much depth, is well-researched, and is well-written. The writing's clarity is reminiscent of a Warren Buffett letter to shareholders.
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